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Careers - Bizrights

An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Firm



Our work force are our best resources, we value our people and provide a positive work atmosphere which enables them to grow. At Bizrights IP, we have a sustained growth oriented approach which is our constant endeavour resulting in creating a ‘Win – Win situation’ for all. The Right candidate willing to contribute towards the growth of the organization would be most preferred. And needless to say, the expectations in Emoluments as well as other benefits will be met more than the expectations.

Bizrights IP welcomes your Professional Profiles at aditya@bizrights.com and rajesh@bizrights.com. Please be assured that we will take a detailed note of your profile.



At Bizrights IP, We involve our Interns to our core projects to give them an understanding of the diverse requirements of the projects. The Interns will get an opportunity to work on on-going projects which enables them to learn in a positive atmosphere.

Bizrights IP welcomes your Profiles or Internship Applications at aditya@bizrights.com and rajesh@bizrights.com. Please be assured that we will take a detailed note of your profile.

Current Openings

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New Delhi