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Patent Search - Bizrights

An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Firm


Patent Search

Patent Searching has developed to great extents over the years. Starting from Patentability searches in Free as well as paid Patent databases to highly structured and focussed searches like derivatives from Patenting Data with unique deliverables have resulted in development of Patent Searching as a Niche area in IPR. We would be happy to serve our clientele in all such requirements of Patent Searching.


At Bizrights IP, we are familiar with the following Patent Classification:

  1. IPC (International Patent Classification)
  2. CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification)
  3. USPC (The United States Patent Classification)
  4. DPK (German Patent Classification)
  5. ECLA (European Classification)


The above Classification system classifies Patents in accordance with their applicable areas of technology.

We also have capacity to read and understand Patent Landscape Reports, break down and also analyse them to enable you have a clear understanding of everything you need to know.



  1. Patentability/Novelty Search
  2. Invalidity Search
  3. Freedom to Operate Analysis
  4. Claim Charts
  5. State of the Art Search
  6. Patent Landscape Analysis
  7. Portfolio Analysis
  8. Whitespace Analysis

Branches in

New Delhi