An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Firm


International Filing

There are a few basic steps to be followed in order to obtain GI. It largely depends on the purpose and Geographical scope of protection one requires.


Since GI rights are territorial, these are limited to a country, or region where the protection is granted.


Currently there are no “world” or “international” Geographical Indication rights in existence. There are at present four ways of protecting a GI worldwide:

  1. By contacting and directly obtaining protection from the Jurisdiction concerned. Once GI protection is obtained in the country of origin, it is possible to get protection in other regions under the means of protection applicable to those jurisdictions.
  2. By utilizing or taking advantage of bilateral agreements between countries. These agreements are usually concluded between countries on the basis of reciprocity and may be limited to certain economic sectors or products.
  3. Through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)’s Lisbon System for International Registration of Appellation of Origin. This system lays down means of obtaining protection for an appellation of origin already protected in one member states in the territories of all other members. This can be done using a single registration called “an international registration’.

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